Monday, June 20, 2011

Daniel Kornrumpf

Holy handycraft, you can all put down your embroidery hoops and calmly walk away. Daniel Kornrumf has put us all to shame. In some sick way this still makes me want to go out and make something magical. Why bother though, right? yeesh. Well done Daniel. (thanks swiss miss for yet again making me want to cry)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Closet Visits

A Closet Visit Film No. 1 from Claire Cottrell on Vimeo.

So I don't know about you, but I'm really into this whole studio/apartment visits trend thing that's happening on the ol' interweb. The curious seven year old inside me secretly shrieks every time I get to see into someone else's private living/work space. Or maybe that's the creepy perv in me. We'll never know... well you'll never know. hah.

Okay anyways, I just stumbled onto this little gem; closet visits. Artist Jeana Sohn takes you on a whirlwind adventure into the closets/homes of creative, inspiring and stlyish women. It's great. Just really great. Also empowering. And great.

like rly rly great.

K enjoy.

..You're welcome.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Catarina Carreiras

Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce Catarina Carreiras. What a lovely and talented individual. I love her use of patterns on her dinnerware designs. Pattern on pattern on pattern, so mind numbingly beautiful. Also the wedding service (designed for vista alegre) inspired by the cast decorations of ceilings in lisbon's old houses are incredible. I wouldn't even want to put food on any them, just set the table over and over and over and over... Some of her works are a little too geometric/modernist/minimalist-y for my personal taste but I love seeing designers who are talented across a variety of mediums, not simply graphic design. A great way of seeing if someone has a keen eye or not. Beautiful work Catarina!